Thursday, July 11, 2013

Follow up dermatologist appointment

I mentioned it earlier, but haven't summarized my latest Dr. visit (June 25th).

I had Jim come with me because I was afraid Obediah would yell at me again for not staying out of the sun, or not getting better, or because the rhumatologist didn't agree with him. Not sure if it was because Jim was there or not, but Obediah was actually nice this time.

He had the rhumatologist results: all clear. Nothing abnormal. Perfectly fine.

He saw that the rash was getting better, but not at the speed he was comfortable with. He wanted to move me to a new drug (Methotrexate). But the side effects sounded like they would harm my organs faster than this disease could. I am waiting to talk to the rhumatologist before I make that decision.

As stated in my earlier post, Obediah did change my topical ointment, which is clearing up my hands nicely, and he gave me an serum for my scalp to curb the itching there. That itching stops all together, which has been WONDERFUL.

In other news, my PCP heard back from the pathologists in Arizona. They agreed immediately with Obediah's diagnosis. No need for further testing. It is confirmed that I have a "classic case" of dermatomyositis - though I don't have the "myositis" part...yet...

Need to keep my physical activity up and keep sticking to my diet to help ensure that doesn't happen.

Keep Calm
Keri On

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